Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Finding Coupons

A great place to go to find coupons for particular items that you might actually USE, is straight to your computer. Most brands have a website and/or a facebook page.

Take advantage of that! Usually, you'll be able to find exclusive coupons, special offers, sample offers, even tips and recipes.

Become their "fan" on facebook. Sign up to receive special offers.

What I have done, to keep from clogging up my email inbox, is set up a separate email address that I can use just for those types of things.

Today, I've compiled a list of several name-brand help you SAVE on all your spring cleaning products.


Scrubbing Bubbles

Seventh Generation


Here are some great printable coupons: (Quickly find them by clicking on “household” on the left hand side!)

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