Last night I made some new hooded-bath towels for the kids. I have been wanting to, ever since I had seen some that a friend's mom had made. They are just like the teeny tiny version everyone uses for babies -- only bigger!
So this week, we're changing up the kid's bathroom. It was previously princesses with pink & green...didnt appeal much to Logan. So I let them pick out a new color scheme and pretty new towels. Ashleigh found a shower curtain that is a beach scene...sand & seashells turns into greens & blues of the ocean and then into sky...and so they used that to center everything else around.
I found a great tutorial for the hooded bath towels at Little Birdie Secrets. She made it super easy and even pictures to follow along. All it takes is a large bath towel and a half of hand towel for the hood. Didn't take long to make either.
My kids love them :) Today, as you can see, they were used as pool towels.
(you can also see that I keep forgetting and putting my finger over the camera flash while taking a picture :( girrr I have to stop that!)
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